Monday, January 23, 2012

The Renewal of a Writer

So...   Happy New Year 2012!

Or, more appropriately, since we're well past the First of January, 2012, but are on the first day of the Chinese New Year of The Dragon: "Sin Ngen Kai Lok!" and "Kung Hii Fatt Choi!"

Let me begin by saying that I have returned to blow the dust off this blog, and to resume my posting here.

Surprised?   Yeah, me too...

So some history is in order, I think:

Not that long ago, I started this blog to highlight some of my writing and to track my journey from unpublished, wanna-be writer to... well, wherever the act of writing took me.

Then, by writing, and pushing, and biting off more and more chunks of ways to try and write, and submit, and visiting more and more places to submit my writing and websites to post on, and adding more and more commitments about how much, and how often, I was going to write (a novel, short-stories, writing prompts, blogification),  I just -- hit the wall.

I started to realize that I was going for quantity instead of quality, pushing myself to keep up with all the ways I wanted to write and be a presence on the web, and truthfully enjoying it less and less.  Then, somehow, things hit a crescendo -- Real life intruded, not much; just enough to add that last, critical-mass straw, and it all collapsed

I stopped..

Then it was a week without writing.  And then two.  And all the ways I was trying to write and maintain a web presence were behind schedule and piling up.  And my 'behind schedule-ness' kept accumulating, and snowballing, and soon it seemed insurmountable for a part-time writer to catch up.

So I threw up my hands, and threw in the towel, and decided I was just through with it all..

But, yet...

Not really.  Because I still wrote.  A little.  Here and there.  Because I enjoyed it.  I toyed with a few short stories.  I polished some of the things I'd churned out earlier.  I'd write, and undo, and redo, and then -- without the pressure I'd earlier put on myself -- I'd move on.

And now, after many months, I am renewed, and restored, and returned.

I'll tell you more in future posts, but for now, let me just say -- I'm writing, and I'm back.

And for now, that's enough...


DL Hammons said...

Been there....done that!! :)

Welcome back!

StratPlayerCJF said...

Thanks, Don!