
For my entries in the 2012 A to Z Challenge, I have focused on writing elements that I find important and that I want to incorporate into my work.
Today is the final post in this month-long alphabetical blogathon,
and it has been a fun, but LONG process.
To end this series, the topic today is ZILLIONS.
All month long, I’ve written about things that are important
to me in my writing; elements that I want to include in the stories I write,
whether in a 100-word flash piece or in my 100,000-word WIP novel.
But my last post for "Y" was something a little different – I didn’t
just touch on a topic related to the craft of writing. I said I wanted “You.”
By that I meant I want someone to actually READ my work. More than that, I want my readers to bring
something of themselves to the pieces I write, and for the stories to become
their stories.
Writing without readers is empty.
I may use some pieces as practice or
development and not want them to be generally read, but truthfully, those are
the exception. I WANT readers – I want
Plus, while I welcome, cherish, and sincerely appreciate
each and every individual reader, I want more than just you.
To share the deepest dream of almost any writer: I want my
writing to reach as many readers as possible, both now and for years to
come. I want my work to last long after
I’m dead and gone.
I want zillions of readers.
I hope you don’t think I’m shallow or ego-driven. Writing, like all art, does not exist in a
vacuum. If no-one reads my work, then it
is wasted.
I don’t want it to be wasted.
So let me tell you that if you’ve read any of my work, I
thank you from the bottom of my heart. I
hope you have enjoyed what you read, and that maybe the story touched you and stuck
with you in some small way. I truly
appreciate your readership, and I will never take it for granted.
But if you enjoyed something I've written, I would also never say “no’ to you
inviting a friend along, too.
In fact, feel free to bring a zillion of them.
Thank you so much for visiting -- I hope you enjoyed this month's A-to-Z Blogging Challenge!
And you still have time to visit HERE to see all the bloggers taking part in this A-to-Z blogathon. Ttry to drop in on as many of them as you can!