Monday, April 30, 2012

A to Z Blogging Challenge: Z is for...


For my entries in the 2012 A to Z Challenge, I have focused on writing elements that I find important and that I want to incorporate into my work.

Today is the final post in this month-long alphabetical blogathon, and it has been a fun, but LONG process. 

To end this series, the topic today is ZILLIONS.

All month long, I’ve written about things that are important to me in my writing; elements that I want to include in the stories I write, whether in a 100-word flash piece or in my 100,000-word WIP novel. 

But my last post for "Y" was something a little different – I didn’t just touch on a topic related to the craft of writing.  I said I wanted “You.” 

By that I meant I want someone to actually READ my work.  More than that, I want my readers to bring something of themselves to the pieces I write, and for the stories to become their stories.

Writing without readers is empty.   

I may use some pieces as practice or development and not want them to be generally read, but truthfully, those are the exception.  I WANT readers – I want you! 

Plus, while I welcome, cherish, and sincerely appreciate each and every individual reader, I want more than just you.

To share the deepest dream of almost any writer: I want my writing to reach as many readers as possible, both now and for years to come.  I want my work to last long after I’m dead and gone.

I want zillions of readers.

I hope you don’t think I’m shallow or ego-driven.  Writing, like all art, does not exist in a vacuum.  If no-one reads my work, then it is wasted.

I don’t want it to be wasted. 

So let me tell you that if you’ve read any of my work, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I hope you have enjoyed what you read, and that maybe the story touched you and stuck with you in some small way.  I truly appreciate your readership, and I will never take it for granted.

But if you enjoyed something I've written, I would also never say “no’ to you inviting a friend along, too. 

In fact, feel free to bring a zillion of them.


Thank you so much for visiting -- I hope you enjoyed this month's A-to-Z Blogging Challenge!

And you still have time to visit HERE to see all the bloggers taking part in this A-to-Z blogathon.  Ttry to drop in on as many of them as you can!


Simon Kewin said...

Fantastic - I hope you get your zillions of readers!

Hektor Karl said...

"I want zillions of readers."

I'll settle for half that. :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

"I want my readers to bring something of themselves to the pieces I write, and for the stories to become their stories.
Writing without readers is empty."

- I agree. We need readers, and we need readers to bring themselves to the story. Great post! Here's hoping for your zillion readers!!!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Zillion is a great choice for Z. Doesn't it feel like we've spent a zillion hours on the computer this month? Sure does to me. I hope you get your zillion readers. Of your books, though, not your blog. (Then, you'd NEVER keep up with the comments!) Congrats on making it through the challenge, dude.

Nicole said...

Zillions of readers would be pretty amazing! ;)

Nancy Thompson said...

It's not shallow or ego-driven at all. We're writers. We want people to read what we'e written. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of hard work to gather an army of followers. Looks like you've been blogging for a year or so. It takes time to cull an army. Be patient, keep writing, and keep connecting with other writers as much as possible. It is those connections that will will snowball and gather you your zillions. I have every faith you'll do it! Congrats on finishing the challenge!

Guilie Castillo said...

Great post, Chris, and a sort-of tie-in with my "zeitgeist" one. Like you, I want my work to transcend, to reach millions--zillions--and to make a mark on their lives.

Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to staying in touch in the blogosphere :)

Jocelyn Rish said...

Nope, not shallow at all. I think all of us crazy writers want zillions of people to enjoy the stories we've created.

Congrats on completing the A to Z challenge!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I just want people to enjoy a few hours of escape with my books. Even a million would be fine.
Hope you've had a great time with the Challenge!

Georgina Morales said...

I don't think you're shallow at all. Every writer wants to be read, that's at the core of every written word. I'm sure you'll have millions of readers and I'm very happy to be one of them.

Congrats on making it to the Z!!

Unknown said...

zillions of readers! Who wouldn't want that? :)

StratPlayerCJF said...

To all who visited, commented, followed, and supported me during this A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, I want to offer my deepest thanks! I truly appreciate it -- you really helped me stay committed and get through this past month! As we move past this challenge, I plan to maintain regular updates to my blog and hope that you will continue to drop by. Feel free to offer feedback and suggestions about what you might like to see here and what sorts of things interest you.

@Simon: Thanks! I hope you do too!

@Hektor: Yeah, me, too, but then it wouldn't have started with "Z". ;^)

@Tyrean: Thank you very much!

@Susan: I appreciate that -- and congratulations to you for surviving A-to-Z, too!

@Nicole: Yes it would, LOL!

@Nancy: Thank you! I hope I can reward your faith in me!

@Guille: Thanks for the comment, and I look forward to that also!

@Jocelyn: I appreciate your kind words!

@Alex: Absolutely!

@Gina: Thank you very much and congrats to you too!

@Damyanti: I agree! Thank you for the visit and the comment!